Governor Announces Statewide “Stay At Home” Order Effective March 26

Governor Issues Stay At Home Order

On March 25, 2020, Governor Jared Polis announced a Stay At Home Order. The Order will go into effect on Thursday, March 26, at 6:00 a.m.

The basics of the Stay At Home Order are outlined below.

Coloradans need to remain at home except to engage in activities or perform tasks critical to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of their family or household members or to go to or return from critical work. They can leave their home to:

For more on which businesses are considered “critical”, how this order will be enforced, and more details on the Stay At Home Order, please visit these links:

For more information on El Paso County’s local response to COVID-19, visit El Paso County Public Health’s website:

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