If you're a Veteran, spouse, dependent, or caregiver and you get VA health care or direct benefit payments, you'll need to tell us if you have a legal name change so we can change your name on file with VA. You must contact your VA medical center, each VA program office that you receive direct benefit payments from, and the DEERS support office. Keep reading to find out how to change your name with each of these offices.
Your information on file with VA must match what's in DEERS. When you change your name on file with VA, it doesn't automatically get updated in DEERS. So you'll need to contact the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) separately to change your name in DEERS.
This is true for Veterans and for family members who are in DEERS because they get TRICARE or other benefits—or have a DS Logon account.
If you receive VA health care and want to request that we change your name, send us both of these documents:
If you receive VA health care and want to request that we completely remove any part of your name or change any full part of your name to an initial, send us all of these documents:
Send your letter and the required documents listed above to your VA medical center.
Note: You can also call your VA medical center to get help changing your name on file with VA. Ask for the eligibility department.
If you receive direct benefit payments and want to request that we change your name, please send us both of these documents:
You'll also need to send us one of the documents listed below, depending on the reason for your name change.
If your name change is because of marriage, divorce, or an annulment, send us 1 of these 2 documents along with your letter and photo ID:
If your name change is for any other reason (not because of marriage, divorce, or an annulment), send us 1 of these 2 documents along with your letter and photo ID:
Send your letter and the required documents to each program office that you get payments from. Find the instructions for each benefit program here.
Note: You can also call your regional office to get help changing your name on file with VA.