General Information
- Persons of Guyanese citizenship (whether by birth, descent, registration or naturalization) are eligible for a Guyana passport.
- Persons who are in possession of expired passports or whose passports have less than six (6) months validity for international travel are required to apply for a new passport.
- Application forms can be obtained from the Consulate or its website
- Applicants are required to ensure that the application form is filled out correctly and submitted with all relevant supporting original documents and copies.
- Applicants under sixteen (16) years must be accompanied by at least one parent or guardian who shall present a notarized affidavit from the absent parent or documentation attesting to guardianship. The affidavit must indicate that the child is in the custody of either parent making the representation to apply and uplift the passport for the child or that the applicant is the guardian of the child.
- All supporting documents must be produced in duplicate (original and photocopy).
- Completed applications are sent to Georgetown for further processing which takes approximately 2-3 Months.
- Applicants can check the status of their passport processing online by visiting the website of the Consulate
- Information on the submission of applications by mail can be obtained on the website.
- Ensure that all relevant sections are completed legibly and correctly in BLACK INK and BLOCK CAPITALS with particular attention being paid to instructions on the form.
- Ensure that the name that the applicant wishes to be recorded in the passport corresponds with that on the application form and any supporting documents.
- Pay particular attention to the date format (applicable to Guyana)
- Ensure that the signature in the designated box on page 2 does not touch its borders.
- Submit all supporting documents and copies along with the application.
- Applications will be subject to delays if these guidelines are not observed.
If the information is the same as that on your current MRP (Blue Passport)
- Obtain a passport application form from the Consulate or Online
- Complete the application form in black ink and submit to the Consulate together with:
- Current Guyana passport and one (1) legible color photocopy of the bio-data page of your passport.
- Two (2) colored photographs (not larger than 45×35 mm/1.77×1.38 in nor smaller than 32×26 mm/1.26×1.01 in).
- Payment of $100 in cash (if being paid in person), Debit/Credit Card or Money Order payable to “Consulate General of Guyana, New York”
If the information is different from that on your current MRP (Blue Passport)
- Obtain a passport application form from the Consulate or Online
- Complete the application form in black ink and submit to the Consulate together with:
- Current Guyana passport and one (1) legible color photocopy of the bio-data page of your passport.
- Two (2) colored photographs (not larger than 45×35 mm/1.77×1.38 in nor smaller than 32×26 mm/1.26×1.01 in).
- Payment of $100 in cash (if being paid in person), Debit/Credit Card or Money Order payable to “Consulate General of Guyana, New York”
- The original and one (1) legible photocopy of the document which supports the change in information. These may include:
- Registered Deed Poll/Legal Name Change document
- Marriage Certificate and/or Divorce Decree, Birth Certificate of spouse (For married women including widows and women whose marriages have been terminated)
- Affidavit
- Adoption Certificate
- Citizenship Certificate (See Section 4 (B) of Application Form)
- Any other supporting document/s.
If the information is the same as that on your current Passport (Old Green)
- Obtain a passport application form from the Consulate or Online
- Complete the application form in black ink and submit to the Consulate together with:
a) Current Guyana passport and one (1) legible color photocopy of the bio-data pages of your passport (pages 1-5).
b) Original Birth Certificate and one (1) legible copy
c) Two (2) colored photographs (not larger than 45×35 mm/1.77×1.38 in nor smaller than 32×26 mm/1.26×1.01 in)
d) Payment of $100 in cash (if being paid in person), Debit/Credit Card or Money Order payable to “Consulate General of Guyana New York”.
If the information is different from that on your current Passport (Old Green)
- Obtain a passport application form from the Consulate or Online
- Complete the application form in black ink and submit to the Consulate together with:
a) Current Guyana passport and one (1) legible color photocopy of the bio-data pages of your passport (pages 1-5).
b) Original Birth Certificate and one (1) legible copy
c) Two (2) colored photographs (not larger than 45×35 mm/1.77×1.38 in nor smaller than 32×26 mm/1.26×1.01 in)
d) Payment of $100 in cash (if being paid in person), Debit/Credit Card or Money Order payable to “Consulate General of Guyana New York”
e) The original and one (1) legible color photocopy of the document which supports the change in information. These may include:
i) Registered Deed Poll/Legal Name Change document
ii) Marriage Certificate and/or Divorce Decree (For married women including widows and women whose marriages have been terminated)
iv) Adoption Certificate
v) Citizenship Certificate (See Section 4 (B) of Application Form)
vi) Any other supporting document/s.
Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by one or both parents. In cases where either parent is unavailable, an Affidavit from a Notary Public is required. The Affidavit must indicate that the child/children is/are in the custody of either parent making the representation to apply and uplift the passport for the child/children, or that the applicant is the guardian of the child.
Valid supporting documents and identification must be supplied.
The following requirements are to be observed:
- Report the loss to the nearest police precinct as soon as possible and obtain a copy of the report.
- Submit
- Original Certificate of Birth, Registration or Naturalization as applicable.
- Original notarized affidavit stating the circumstances under which the passport was lost.
- Completed application form with all necessary requirements (except the Passport) as outlined at C or D as applicable.
- Valid picture identification.
- A report from the Fire Department in cases where the passport may have been lost, damaged or destroyed by fire.
The Consulate now takes passport photographs for the general public. For those who already have passports photos, ensure the following guidelines are met.
Photographs must satisfy the following criteria
- Dimensions of the finished photo are correct (minimum 32x26mm, maximum 45x35mm).
- Clarity and contrast are correct, proper exposure (no washout).
- No shadows or glare from improper lighting, glasses or jewelry.
- Background is plain white (no color or shadows).
- Neutral expression (No smile, open mouth or frown).
- Both photos are identical
- No head piece or hair covering (with the exception of those worn for religious purposes and only if the full facial features are clearly visible).
- Eyes, Ears, Full Facial Features are clearly visible.
- Studs/Earring/s not accepted on male applicants pictures.
- Must be fully/properly dressed.