Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 64-13.1 et seq. or 18A: 64A-23.1, the State of New Jersey created a program to allow certain unemployed individuals to attend a public institution of higher education in the state of New Jersey tuition-free on a space available basis.
Unemployment Tuition Waivers must be submitted on the day of special registration. Waivers submitted before or after the registration date will not be accepted. Please note that if you register for classes prior to the designated Unemployment Tuition Waiver registration date, you will forfeit your right to participate in the program and you will be responsible for all tuition and fees due to the University for your courses.
The Unemployment Waiver must be dated and signed no earlier than 30 days prior to the first day of classes. A new waiver signed by an unemployment counselor must be submitted for each semester that you will be attending. It is the student’s responsibility to pay any and all fees not covered by the waiver. Please see the unemployment tuition waiver contract for a listing of these fees.
The University will not permit participation in the Unemployment Waiver program if a student owes a past due balance on their account. Students are required to file their FAFSA and submit all appropriate documents to complete the financial aid process as required. The Unemployment Tuition Waiver will be reduced by any grant or scholarship funds (i.e. Pell, TAG) credited to the student account. All non-credit courses, study abroad programs, courses taken at other locations, consortium agreements at other institutions, internships or courses where faculty/other institutions are paid on a per-student basis are not eligible to receive this waiver. Please see the Unemployment Tuition Waiver Contract for more details.
Senior citizens, 65 year or older, who are residents of New Jersey and meet the Admissions requirements of NJCU may enroll in courses on a space-available basis. Only the cost of tuition will be waived as part of the program, all other mandatory and course related fees are to be paid by the student. Students registered as part of a doctorate program are excluded from the waiver, tuition will not be waived.
Senior citizens registering for a non-credit course must obtain a letter of introduction from the Registrar’s Office, which needs to be presented to the course instructor. Interested senior citizens may contact the Registrar’s Office in Hepburn Hall, Room 214 for details. Senior citizens using a tuition waiver cannot register prior to the designated special registration date as listed in the Undergraduate Course Schedule. Registrations prior to this date render the student ineligible to use the Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver.
Pursuant to N.J.S.18A: 62-24, the State of New Jersey created a program to allow active members of the New Jersey National Guard in good standing to attend any regularly scheduled courses at a public institution, such as New Jersey City University. Also, any child or surviving spouse of a member of the New Jersey National Guard who completed Initial Active Duty Training and was killed in the performance of his/her duties while on active duty, or who completed Initial Active Duty Training and is killed in the performance of his/her duties while a member of the New Jersey National Guard, shall be permitted to attend regularly scheduled courses at New Jersey City University as enumerated in N.J.S. 18A:62-25 and receive up to the flat rate for tuition per semester for undergraduate students or 16 credits per semester for graduate students tuition-free. New Jersey National Guard members, their surviving child and/or spouse are responsible to pay any and all fees associated with their registration as they are not covered by this waiver and must meet the criteria detailed below to receive and continue the benefits under this program:
For more information, please contact the Office of Military and Veterans Services at (201) 200-2157.
The University reserves the right to change any of the above policies when, in the judgment of the administration, it becomes necessary to do so.