
I created a correlationmatrix with the following code:

pwcorr roa roe size industry, star(0.1)

Is there a code to convert the matrix into excel where I can still edit it and all rows and columns are in the right position ?

Thanks in advance.

Tags: None Wouter Wakker 11 Nov 2020, 02:22

pwcorr leaves the resulting matrix behind in r(C), albeit without significance stars. You could export this matrix using putexcel .


Post Cancel Thomas Hall 11 Nov 2020, 02:46 Thanks for your help.


Post Cancel Attaullah Shah 11 Nov 2020, 03:49

asdoc can export the the correlation table with stars to MS Word (and asdocx can export to Word, Excel or LaTeX). Here is one example:

ssc install asdoc sysuse auto, clear asdoc pwcorr, star(all) replace